Friday, October 05, 2007
2nd Pitch Workshop
If you missed the first opportunity to perfect your pitch, have no remorse. Another chance awaits you. Molli Nickell has graciously agreed to return to Piccadilly on Tuesday, October 16. As before, we will gather at 5:30 for dinner. From 6:30 – 8:30 we will take turns practicing. Whether you have something ready to go or are in the process of crafting your work, it never hurts to be prepared. When opportunity knocks, you definitely want to be ready.
Please remember to buy dinner. We need at least ten participants. This is our way of giving back to Piccadilly for being so kind and generous to us. We’ll be meeting in the back room.
You can let Kaye Coppersmith know if you plan to practice your pitch by e-mailing her at
Molli Nickell is a publishing consultant who will be leading a workshop on October 13 from 9 AM to 5 PM on “Getting Published Now.” You can check out her website at Her e-mail address is And she can be reached at 727-772-8270.
Thanks to all.
Julia Thornbrough