Tuesday, February 20, 2007



Check out http://www.artnatomia.net/ for a really cool writing tool. Select either "English" or "Spanish" and then "Application". "Level I" shows you all the different facial muscles. "Level II" (the really helpful part) shows visually the expressions of emotional reactions and which muscles are affected. Instead of writing, "...he said in anger." You can click on "anger" and describe the face muscle changes making your writing more active. You can download the website and use it off line, too. Just make sure the computer you use has automatic Internet access.

Eugene Orlando
FWA Regional Director/Hillsborough County

Thursday, February 15, 2007



FWA ON-LINE WORKSHOPS MOVED BACK TWO MONTHS Register in February. Visit http://www.floridawriters.net/OnlineWorkshop.html#January_2007 for workshop and registration details; but note the January listings have been moved to March 1, and the other workshops will each be two months later. Spend two to four weeks learning the art, craft and business of writing from award-winning published authors and industry professionals in the comfort of your own home, at your convenience! Get personalized attention to your writing goals and meet other writers with interests similar to yours. Fees range from $12 to $30.

The Florida Writers Association's Melbourne Writers Group will host a one day conference on March 10, 2007. The conference runs from 10 am to 5 pm at the Pelican Beach Clubhouse, Route A1A, Satellite Beach. To register, send an email to Dan.Griffith@FloridaWriters.net and mention the FWA Melbourne One Day Conference at Satellite Beach. Dan will send you conference and registration details. All presentations and lunch are included for the $59 fee with a $20 discount for FWA members.This is an excellent networking opportunity! As writers it isn't always easy to find peers. This one day conference provides an opportunity to mingle and learn from your peers. Attendees will gain valuable information to advance your writing career.

Frank Cavelli: From Genesis to Armageddon: A Book: the Idea, the Production, the Marketplace.
Lee Boyland: What New Authors Need to Know.
Dr. Valerie Allen: Methods of Mega Marketing.
Grace Graziano will inspire and motivate writers with her encouraging words.
Pat McDonough will present Edit Your Writing Like a Pro.

Questions? E-mail Mary Brotherton at writermary@gmail.com or Dan Griffith at
Dan.Griffith@FloridaWriters.net for more information.

NEW PORT RICHEY ONE-DAY CONFERENCE, APRIL 1, 2007 for central eastern Florida.
DO IT! WRITE! Conference - Sunday, April 1, 2007, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.New Port Richey Public Library, 5939 Main Street, New Port Richey, FL
http://mysite.verizon.net/resockeb/id18.html for activities schedule.
Advance online registration at: www.floridawriters.net
$39.00 for FWA members, $59.00 for non-members. Early bird deadline 3/9/07.
Add $10.00 after 3/9/07. Admission includes Goody bags, box lunch, mid-morning and afternoon snacks. Individual interviews with agent, editor or publisher $20.00 for 10-minute interview. Advance registration necessary. for interviews

For additional information contact Dahris H. Clair: pascofwa@verizon.net, in New Port Richey, or Susan C. Haley in Sarasota: shaley1112@cs.com.

WATCH FOR MORE 2007 FWA ONE-DAY CONFERENCES IN JACKSONVILLE, AND MIAMI. And watch for news of the FWA Conference November 9-11, 2007, at Disney's Coronado Springs Center.

Monday, February 12, 2007




Now in its 76th year, the Writer’s Digest Annual Writing Competition continues the time-honored tradition of rewarding great talent with huge prizes. In fact, we’re giving away more than $30,000 in cash and prizes this year!

Grand Prize: $3,000 cash and an all-expense paid trip to New York City to share your work with four editors or agents.

1,001 winners will be chosen in all!

For a complete list of prizes and guidelines, and to enter online, visit our Web site.

Deadline: May 15, 2007

For the past 15 years, Writer’s Digest has honored self-published authors with the
Annual Self-Published Book Awards. And this year is no exception! Whether you’re a professional writer, part-time freelancer, or a self-starting student, here’s your chance to enter the only competition exclusively for self-published books. Your entry must be postmarked by May 1, 2007 in order for your book to be eligible, so enter today!

Mainstream/Literary Fiction
Genre Fiction
Inspirational (Spiritual, New Age)
Life Stories (Biographies, Autobiographies, Family Histories, Memoirs)
Children’s Picture Books
Middle-Grade/Young Adult Books
Reference Books (Directories, Encyclopedias, Guide Books, How-to, Travel, etc.)


ONE GRAND-PRIZE WINNER will be awarded $3,000 cash and promotion in Writer’s Digest and Publishers Weekly, and marketing advice from self-publishing guru Dan Poynter. Plus, the editors of Writer’s Digest will endorse and submit 10 copies of the Grand Prize-winning book to major review houses and an excerpt will be published in Writer’s Digest.
In addition, awards Co-sponsor
Book Marketing Works, LLC will provide a one-year membership in Publishers Marketing Association, a customized Book Market Map Directory, guaranteed distribution to bookstores and libraries through Baker & Taylor, six hours of book shepherding from Poynter Book Shepherd Ellen Reid, an all-day PublishingGame.com workshop with Fern Reiss, and a guaranteed review in Midwest Book Review. Visit our Web site http://www.writersdigest.com/ for a full list of prizes and guidelines, and an entry form.


The Seven Hills Conference

The Tallahassee Writers' Association

The Seven Hills Conference
At The Holiday Inn--Tallahassee, Florida
Friday March 16, & Saturday March 17, 2007

More information

View the Registration Form

Friday, February 09, 2007


Florida Writers Helping Florida Writers

Hillsborough Florida writers will hold their monthly meeting on February 17 at the Carrollwood Barnes & Noble at 11802 N. Dale Mabry under the banner "We're Florida writers helping Florida writers." There phone number is 813-962-6446. It's our membership drive, and we will have "good eat" available. Our meeting will start at ten and end at noon. Our featured author is Neal Schupbach, a self-published author who wrote Flying the Canyons of the Sky. Coming from a place of experience he will share with us the do's and don'ts of publishing. With self-publishing being accepted as a publishing vehicle, it's always better to be armed with information.

Flying the Canyons of the Sky compiles what Neal saw as he flew to the corners of the globe, while in the Navy and after. He will have on hand an 85 pound remnant of the Berlin Wall. He'll also be sharing what he witnessed when the Berlin Wall crumbled and saw lives shattered from the reign of communism. Here's a great opportunity to use a local resident as a resource for your imaginative endeavors, be it in mystery or romance. Let your imagination juices rip.

Also on hand will be Billy Ashby of A & A Printing. He is the local source Neal Schupbach used to print his book. Billy Ashby will have samples on hand.

Come one. Come all. Remember we're Florida writers helping Florida writers. Please invite anyone you know who wants to learn the craft and connect with other writers. All are welcome.

Following the meeting we gather at Perkins for lunch and more networking.
Julia Thornbrough
Group Leader

Thursday, February 08, 2007



Writer’s Digest is looking for the best self-published books. They have $3,000 to give away in prizes. Deadline May 1, 2007. For more information go to:


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